Donat Uwamahoro

Full stuck web-developer + Technical support engineer + Tech teacher + Business advisor

Full-stack web developer and technical support engineer. I Spent 1300+ hours working remotely with people from more than ten different countries. Built over 50 mini-projects with different frameworks such as React and Rails. Fluent in English and French. I provided more than 500 code reviews and more than 500 technical support assistance. Ready to learn new things and grow passionate

I am also business advisor and professional teacher. Helping others is my hobby. During my journey up to here I experienced many failure especially while learning. I know how some one feel when he is unable to understand or to accomplish his beloved task, That is why I am determined to advise and assist any one to move forward.

feel free to reach out to me if you need free assistance in your software development career

Featured Projects

Since the beginning I am conviced that practice makes it perfect, that's why I build projects for every technology I learn. On my github I have more than 100 projects. Enjoy some of them listed below.

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In this Twitter_redesign project, I created a simple website called NewTech which is similar to Twitter. The user must first log in before posting his new technology. Then users can follow or like shared technology.

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This project is about linter, a code analysis tool to test predetermined errors while writing a computer program. This application will show you errors made and how to correct them.

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This is a React web application that use Financial modeling prep API to retrieve top sellers all over the world and allow users to get details information on each one.

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Work Experience

Do not measure my potential by experience. I believe I could do more than what I did as described below if the world was fair. This experience shows where we want to go and we are still struggling until we get there. Just open, you will fill my presence.

Technical Support engineer

Tek Experts

April, 2022 - Present

Providing Remote technical support assistance on Customers using LoadRunner professional and Loadrunner enterprise as testing tools.

Job details include assisting customers while:

  • Installing products and Its dependencies,
  • Record script and analyse them for performance purpose
  • Troubleshooting all issues raised in the installation to testing journey

Front-End developer

Uplus Rwanda

January, 2022 - March, 2022

A digital group financing platform which enables people to pull funds together in a group.

My achievement here was:

  • Upgraded the Uplus web portal and add communication channel via email
  • Design project Mockup for one project using Figma
  • Fixing different bugs in existing front-end part of Uplus web portal

Code reviewer


September, 2021 - Present

Microverse is an online school for remote software developers, where you don't pay anything until you get hired. What makes Microverse different from other online schools or bootcamps? Microverse helps you learn faster than you could on your own, and you don't pay anything until you've landed a well-paying job

As code reviewer I am responsible for:

  • Providing quality and timely feedback to Microverse students on their technical projects, so that they can become better software developers.
  • Ensuring the quality of source code and conducting code and UI reviews.
  • Assisting Microverse student while implementing requested changes to match project requirements.

Computer Science teacher


February, 2012 - December, 2016

Secondary school, having Mathematic-Economics and Computer science combination

My achievement here was:

  • Teaching computer programming languages ( C, C++, Visual Basic,...) and introduction to computer
  • Computer Lab maintenance & Management
  • Direct students during their technical projects


Microverse - USA (Remote)

Web development, 2021

As remote student, using pair programming with grobal students with different cultures I learnt a lot and I can summarize my achievements as below:

  • Mastered mainstream technologies in web development (React/Redux, Ruby on Rails, Ruby, JavaScript (ES6), SQL, Postgresql) by building 20+ real-world projects.
  • I spent 8 hours daily learning different programming languages and Computer Science fundamentals, through working on real projects with other students to reach mastery.
  • Gained professional experience with industry best practices (Git Flow, Linter, pair programming, OOP, SOLID, MVC, TDD).
  • Gained proficiency in coding with 300+ hours in study data structures and algorithms, solving challenges in hackerRank, LeeCode.
  • Became a global citizen by spending 2000+ hours in remote working with team members from all over the world (Over 100 countries)
  • This innovative approach helped me to learn remote workflows and acquire the collaboration and communication skills necessary to join a global company.

Univerity of Rwanda

Computer science and systems, 2008 - 2012

During Fours years of my undergraduate studies I covered many skills including:

  • General study skills and ICT
  • Fondumentals of Computer Sience and Programming
  • Mathematics for Engineers
  • Data structure and algorithm
  • Advanced programming(JAVA)
  • Unix and Digital circuit
  • Database Management Systems
  • Web design and development tools
  • Software Engineering and Project Management
  • Humana Computer interaction
  • Research methodology and Minor Project
  • Graphics and Multimedia
  • Data Communication Network
  • Cryptography and Information Security
  • Embedded Systems and Mobile Computing
  • Parallel and Distributed Systems